This was an interesting piece that I purchased in a rough state. Usually these coffee pots have insulation on the inside of the metal, and the red velvet interior was worn and disintegrated. I put together a few pieces of fabric into a quilted liner for the bottle that would fill in the exterior empty space and protect the bottle while still being removable if needed. The cap for the spout was missing so I siliconed a cork to the interior metal cover. It was an interesting project but will be a nice addition to someone’s collection! Currently available in my eBay store.
Vintage Fully Metal Huge Parts Organization Cabinet
Aluminum metal drawers with steel exterior, indented front faces for labels. Found used in the Goodwill bins, where I had to dig for all of the drawers and inserts to make sure it was complete. These cabinets aren’t usually made like this anymore, especially with the metal drawers.